Dressed treble hooks

The attractive dressing makes these simple treble hooks extremely catchy

You can replace the standard trebles on your lures with our dressed trebles without any worries because we only use quality trebles from Japanese production for all our models. They stay super sharp for a long time and are extremely durable. In addition, our dressed trebles increase the catchability of your lure, as they provide additional, eye-catching attraction effects. We only use materials for the dressing of our trebles that are used to produce the best fly-fishing lures. In addition, all dressed trebles are all completely handmade by professionals with years of experience. As a result, the dressings on our trebles are not only exceedingly clean and attractively crafted, but also feature a longer shelf life. So, if you want to upgrade the trebles on your artificial baits, why not take our dressed trebles and give your lures an extra boost.